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Monday, May 18, 2009

Turning the Page Number 27

This is a moment of pride for my mother…I am sure, being a mother - she is exceedingly successful in her role of upbringing both of us (Me and My Brother). There is nothing to credit to our end. Let me acquaint you with the story, why is she so proud for it...

We were a small and a traditional family from a small village in Warangal district. My father was a small businessman and also the bread winner for the family. On one unfortunate summer noon he had sustained a massive heart stroke and lost his life. We both were small kids when he demised. I was 3 and my brother was 5. I hardly remember his face. We were also not an affluent family to run the show in the absence of the food feeder. Small village, even smaller help from the relatives, my mother stood up. And she stood up tall with the sole objective to protect the kids and make them worthy citizens. This was the vision. At least to protect both of us for 20 years. In fact this is the only reason for her to live. I still remember she saying those “tough lines of my life” to one of my neighbors who was also a village head “Please adopt my kids – I don’t want to live any more”

Few days from then, she realized that - if not she, there is no one to protect her kids. She assumed the savior role. She took up the task so selflessly that she used to find the meaning of her life in our lives all along. It was so tough for a traditionally brought up lady to go to the society and fight for that bread. Every small penny used to matter and every small expense used to be monitored. Her day used to begin somewhere at 4 in the morning and end at 11 in the night. Hardly could she find a gap of 30 min to take a breath in between. She is the strongest and the boldest lady I have seen in my life.

She always used to insist on education and used to say that everyone should study at least till graduation. She also used to say this “I can feed you till you complete your graduation and make sure you are not deprived of any of the necessities” Honestly, she DID every bit to stand by her words. Just not to the graduation, but till the post graduation that too from one of the best institutes of the nation. She is surely a proud mother when she speaks about us with her friends in the vicinity.

Having crossed 27 years, if I look back – I see my mother’s victory all along the journey so far. Fighting against the odds, Rock solid determination, Undisturbed focus, Understanding the meaning of life and staying simple - for all these things if you ask me I don’t even take that second milli second to refer her name as an example. I am sure it is my fortune beyond million tons to have this lady as my mother. Every one loves his/her mother – I am no special, but she is still special. She taught me what protecting means, she taught me what parenting is all about.

As I am crossing the page number 27, she put her palm on my head and blessed me that I will surely get a girl who can understand me and be with me to support in every aspect of my life. I am seeing nothing but the never ending mother’s love. As she always says - I hope and wish she will be the second most admired lady of my life.

Turning the page number 27 she advised me not to turn the page number 28 alone…


Netravathi Beerappa said...

Nice one :) Reminds me of the past 11 years that my Mother has lived..

BTW, Happy Birthday !

Sangeetha Kodithala said...

She sure must be a proud mother. And definitely an admirable lady.

I hope and wish she will be the second most admired lady of my lifeI must say that your life partner would be a really lucky one - because you give your mother a place next only to her!

vinoothna said...

nice one !
ur mother is very lucky to have a son like you !

Miko said...

hey amazing writing yaar....very very nice. kopal here

Chaitanya said...

wonderful man... you brought tears to my eyes...
you have surely made her proud.
God bless you

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Unknown said...

hmm..wht to say...gundelni pindesaav kadhaa...

Unknown said...

Hope u have foud ur soulmate by now.....!!

Me Inc said...

Very emotional!! Loved it :) Mothers are always special..Wishing ur mom a happy n healthy life sure u hv found ur soulmate :)