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Monday, January 18, 2010

Change and the burden of reluctance - own it!!!

'Change' such a simple word to spell and pronounce, is indeed the toughest thing to practice. I have heard a lot of people talking about change and saying 'Change is the only constant in life'. True, but the funny thing is god has made the entire universe to be change averse. Inertia is in built in nature. This is indeed the Newton's first law. So fundamental and so powerful law of physics.

When lifeless articles are inert to the change, you can easily assume how humans react to the change. Consider a month old baby, if the baby is accustomed to a room and the ambiance of it, it is only a small move away from the room, is sufficient to make the baby cry. And she sleeps only when she is brought to the regular place. Examine it little deeper, the baby doesn’t know whether or not we are her care takers, nor she knows our intention is good or bad in moving her. She only knows there is something happening against the set of things she believes is the world, where she finds comfort. This is Change for her.... My definition of change is this, 'moving away from the comfort' zone and play with the uncertainty. So it is like this, we hate change but we are taken through the change. God's creation is so cryptic yet so simple.

But why are we so reluctant? And is this reluctance true for all the changes? Hmmm… consider a student who is aspiring to go to higher education. He is so excited to go to college on the first day. Is it not the change? But what is making him to feel happy and excited about the change!!! Simple, the colorful and vibrant future which is sensible. Meaning to say the uncertainty of our definition is absent/minimal here or taking the rear seat over the sensible future. Aspiration is Change in the positive direction, which often drives a person to be passionate and excel.

Indeed the term RISK of finance and CHANGE of the subject matter hold similar meaning and implications. And often they associate with each other to complement any scenario or transaction. Unless one accepts risk, return will be minimal/null. So is change for life. Unless one accepts change, growth will be minimal/null. It is only and only when one accepts the change, he or she gets to know about the opportunities in that particular area. Irrespective whether or not he will be successful in his attempt, he will certainly come to know a lot of things which are otherwise gray areas when he looks from the bank. Exploration is a divine task, result is in the hands of time. So he is the one, who accepts change with a smiling face will be the winner – no matter whether he is actually are or not.

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