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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

PSS of Life

I present this as the leached extract of few incidents i had gone through for the past few years of my life. In a nutshell i feel these are the Prime factors which i feel stand as the factors for each vertical of life. And the beauty of it is, they are independant of each other and are equally adoptable to each and every one of us.

I am here taking those three verticals of life which are of the obvious importance to everyone. Education, Financial well being and the Joy of living. My objective here is not to make you understand how important each one of them is in life.....but to discuss what is that one factor(Of course one for each) which determines these verticals of life to the highest level possible. Request the reader to understand that, this is not the ONLY factor which influences the Vertical mentioned but this is THE factor which influences the vertical the most. Let me deal them one after the other.

Education - This is of Prime importance for everyone...reasons are many to be valued in the market be more be more be more be more be more understanding..on and on and on. The biggest factor on which the vertical depends is the amount of PERSEVERANCE one holds in him or her. This single factor makes the difference between On and Off in this vertical. No matter what else you have or you don't have.....if one has this single factor embedded in the deepest root of his or her heart, i am dead sure that the person will get the Success in this vertical. Ambedker is the finest example to accost this argument. The Society abominated him...poverty shown him the worst ever state of it...friends didn't entertained him to be with teacher hugged tree became the school for roll books...YET this chap made it....and he made it to the highest level possible.....Nothing else but the perseverance he had is the KEY for it.......honestly this is abysmal in nature.....toughest of all to crack...i bow him a million times and rest my head on his feet for it.....and worth noticing is this. "Amount of perseverance needed is a very sensitive function of two things. One-what do you want to do in life and the second one-where do you want see yourself few years down the line?" if one has these things clear in his/her thoughts, Perseverance is the Natural Baby of it. In fact they are inter dependant and mutual complements.

Financial Well Being: The term RICH is indeed a relative one. No one is absolutely Rich and No One is Absolutely Poor. We are poor or rich only with respect to the other person in focus. But as the time passes how one becomes richer or poorer with respect to the same person depends on his or her ability to SAVE. And what fraction of his or her income is being SAVED is the key factor here. No matter how much ever one earns, if there is no Saving, then there is no growth in this vertical. Your cash flows are just like a perforated vessel ....sees a heavy/less flow depends on your income. Unless one saves something out of the flow... he or she does not grow up the value chain in this vertical. There are couple of us who are blessed with the ancestral assets....but again as i said, if you don't will stay where you are but the growth is almost Zero. I here, urge the reader to understand the word SAVE. Pl do not go by the literal meaning of it, that is retaining the money away from spending but also two other things. "The amount of money one can hold and put it back in the upstream of the flow. The other one is one's ability to reduce the time each cash flow demands..not to forget the Time Value of Money and the age old adage "Time is Money"". If one can SAVE (Save, Re-Invest or Reduce the time of the flow) a little fraction of it, growth is certainly awarded and accorded by the Goddess Lakshmi.

Joy of living: I am talking about the post married life of an individual here but not the life before it. In fact the life before marriage depends on highly fragmented factors than the life after.This is the primary reason i chose the later. And this part of the life is indeed where you become productive in all terms...growing your tribe, reaching your true ambition and also to lay the road to reach the Maslow's acme i.e. Self Actualisation. The biggest parameter influences this vertical is your SPOUSE. Trust me when i say that more than 90% of your life depends on this ONE person. In some cases the damage because of the presence of SPOUSE is million times more than the loss (loss of many things....u must know them) because of the Absence of that person. This is the very reason i feel, a lot of our well known people (To name a few, Kalam, Vajpai, Mother Theressa, Vivekananda etc..) abstained themselves from getting married and hedged their life for a better purpose. And in some other cases, they frequently changed the spouse, expecting a better one every next time...this culture is more prevalent in western. In India i get to see the same tribe of people staying Bachelor/Spinster for the entire life. Now coming to the presence of him/her. Its a disaster if one makes this call wrong. End up choosing the wrong Person. This one mistake is more than sufficient to up side down everything of your life. But if....if one makes the correct choice, this indeed the best booster one can ever find in any of the DOPEs. You make miracle because of him or her and you stand tall in life because of him/her.

I am here again insisting that these are not the only factors which can influence the respective Vertical, but these are THE parameters have the greatest Influence on that part of the life. And the beauty of it is, as i said in the beginning of this blog, these are all independant of each other....that is...the presence or absence of any one of them does not influence the other vertical. For example, one can be Rich and Lead an unsatisfactory life, one can be highly qualified yet be a pauper....and so on. He/She will be the person who understands all these controlling levers we are gifted to the highest level will be the most successful person in life. "An alrounder" is the one who is needed - the Essenes of it.


Sangeetha Kodithala said...

Interesting thoughts. True to the T!

But hey, why do I have a feeling that you sound like you want to remain a bachelor?! :P

Unknown said...

Hi Harish. ur writings on life is really interesting and heart touching. The way u explained about the spouse was impressive.
U are person of lots of courage and self respect which is ur perseverence.
Keep up good work.

Iam deepthi Nakirikanti, u know who am i.
goodnyt harish. Nice talking to u and interesting to talk to u.